Introduction If you intend (or already are) providing a “Professionally Maintained Public Wireless LAN Access Point” in Switzerland, you are affected of the new article (Art. 19 Abs. 2 VÜPF) that became effective on March 1st 2018: Original: Art. 19 Abs. 2 VÜPF: ‘Die FDA haben bei professionell betriebenen öffentlichen […]
Introduction In this blogpost, I’d like to show you how a single SSID with both 802.1X & PSK enabled looks like, what the use-cases for this constellation are, and what could go wrong when you decide to implement it. Warning in advance: Use this option with caution – there are […]
Introduction While there is the IEEE Standard 802.11 that defines the Wireless LAN technology, there are some settings (let’s call them tweaks) the AP-Manufacturers let you implement that are supported by the vast majority of the client devices, but are not part of the 802.11 Standard itself. Arguably two of […]
Introduction Some of our customers have their offices in multistory buildings with other neighboring companies and residents. As most of you are familiar with, in situations like these, the 2.4GHz frequency band looks like the Wild West – often, people choose a random channel between 1 and 11, and sometimes, […]