Red Bull gives you wings, and Extreme Networks gives you WiNG – and while everybody is familiar with the energy drink thanks to its amazing marketing strategy, the former Symbol/Motorola/Zebra and now Extreme Networks owned Wireless LAN operating system WiNG (Wireless Next Generation) is one of the best kept secrets in the industry.
Looking at the old fashioned Flash based GUI, it seems like you were not missing out much. But even with the GUI-debate being probably solved one way or another in the course of this year due to Flash getting end-of-life by the end of 2020 (LINK), I dare to say that the true strengths of WiNG will still lie beneath the surface in its flexible topology possibilities and especially in its extensive CLI Troubleshooting capabilities.
Over the course of the next few weeks and months, I’d like to write a blog series about how you can leverage the on-board tools in WiNG that help you troubleshoot all kinds of issues without you having to go on-site.
A collection of the individual blog posts will be linked right here on this site so you can find them easier:
Distributed Packet-Capturing for Authentication and Roaming Analysis